Each year brings new technologies and trends to the marketing world, and it can get to be a bit overwhelming. Realistically, however, not every device or application makes that much of an impression on our internet interactions. As we look for new opportunities...
This past Wednesday, September 24th, was a big day in the world of social media. Instagram announced they have reached 400 million monthly active users according to CNBC. That is a lot! But why should you care? For all of you fellow social...
Social Media is a constantly changing field. The minute you catch up, you’re already behind. An article that was posted last week or month is already old news in this world. Struggling to keep up or even to start a strategy can be quite intimidating. UZU Media has...
Everywhere you turn, there are agencies claiming to be “experts” or “gurus”. They say they are the best at what they do and list all the reasons. But are they the best for? We’ve broken down the elements and chose 4 aspects to look for when choosing the right digital...
Social Media Marketing Social media is a powerful tool to connect people and bridge the gap between businesses and consumers. With social media use on the rise, a good marketing plan is not complete without it. By including Colorado Springs social media marketing...
This isn’t the first time – This isn’t the first time we’ve heard of, or seen Facebook playing around with the algorithms that dictate what shows up in our News Feed. According to The Verge, Facebook has once again played with our ability to...