Our Social Media Manager, Candace Datz, was on the Colorado Springs’ local news station KOAA 5 recently talking about the “dangers of social media in the work place”. We originally had a link to KOAA’s video, but that has since been removed.

Below is a partial transcript from KOAA’s website:

Feb 26, 2014 7:39 PM by Matt Prichard

Dangers of social media

A social revolution over the last decade as websites like Facebook and Twitter change how we express ourselves. But all too often the social tool becomes an employment nightmare.

“Anyone, future or past employers, potential partners in life could be seeing what you’re doing on social media and it has real potential to distract from who you truly are,” said Candace Datz.

Candace Datz consults with companies letting them know the do’s and dont’s of social media and says all too often it’s their own employees they’re most worried about.

“People are really concerned about what their employees are posting on Facebook, Twitter, pictures on Instagram, videos on Vine. So companies are really concerned about the public image their employees are giving off,” said Datz.”


Thanks, KOAA! For a complete transcript of the story click here. We will be following this up soon with a blog of our own concerning the topic of the dangers of social media.